E-Book Content that Converts: Marketing Tips for Health & Wellness Coaches

We see you - you and your passion for helping people to achieve their health goals. Getting your target audience to see you on the other hand… well, that can feel like another thing entirely. It doesn’t have to, though; an E-Book can be used to create effective marketing content that converts to clients. Here are our top tips to get started:

  • Do your research - First and most importantly, understand who your target audience actually is by identifying your ideal client(s), their specific needs and pain points - in marketing this is known as a persona. Perhaps one of these personas is a new mum in her 30s (client) who wants to feel better in her body (need) but doesn’t have much time to herself (pain point). Once you understand who you’re trying to reach, you will be able to optimise your content for more effective engagement.

  • Actionable solutions - Creating valuable material is the aim of the game, and the most valued content is accessible, informative and practical. Handy tips, checklists, exercise plans and recipe guides that are easy to read and implement will help to establish your credibility as a trusted professional.

  • Engaging visuals - High-quality presentation is a must to set you apart from the rest. Incorporating data, high-resolution wellness images and storytelling testimonials will help to bring your content to life. Download customisable E-Book templates to display your informative content in a visually-engaging way, incorporating your own branding to easily make them your own. 

  • Purpose - When creating marketing materials, get clear on what you want the outcome to be. Perhaps with one piece you want prospective clients to sign up to your coaching services, or with another to purchase a meal plan. Craft your content with the desired outcome in mind, guiding your audience with calls to action.

  • Trial and error - The most effective way to discover what marketing strategy works best for you is to try different approaches and measure the results. Whether you do this yourself or with the guidance of a professional, using your platform’s analytics will help you to record and analyse engagement data in order to determine what has worked best. Remember that trends, tastes and needs change over time, so a flexible approach is key.

We have designed customisable templates to save you time and effort, so you can get back to what you do best – check out our related posts and products for more helpful content and solutions!


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